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Friday, November 27, 2009

Champasak and Wat Phu

After visiting Sou's family, we headed South towards the old provincial capital of Champasak and the ruins of Wat Phu.  We turned off the highway and headed towards the Mekong.  The ferry crossing consisted of two canoe's lashed together with planking overtop and a lawnmower engine. 

Campasak was a sleepy, one street village which we both found really laid-back and pleasant.  After finding a guest house with views of the river, we rode 10k out to the ruins of Wat Phu.  The temple was built around the 16th century and is built into the side of a mountain near a spring.  A set of perfectly straight stairs leads to the terrace which houses the temple complex. There are several different temples all with spectacular views of the Mekong river valley.  Sou and I looked around the site and found a couple of other carvings: a crocodile, an elephant, and several buddas.

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